Every team gains fame. We offer you artists a stage to showcase your skills. We push your Instagram profile and after participating in a battle you are automatically a member of the Secret Wars Artist Family where exciting projects are created.

As a winner you receive a IRIEDAILY suprise package including a shopping voucher for sustainable Irie love. Both teams will also get a surprise package from our friends Montana Cans.

There should also be cash, because 50% of the respective proceeds for the two artworks will go to you artists. The other 50% will go to our friends from Viva Con Agua, to support sanitation and water projects.
Short rulebook
First of all no further software is needed! We paint with the brwoserbased app called magma studio. At our 2 vs. 2 battles the artists are only allowed to paint with black and in the end 3 points are awarded to choose the winning team. The first point comes from a judge. The second point is voted by the audience and for the third point we auction off the digital artworks for Viva con Agua and produce single fineart prints. The artwork with the highest bid gets the third point.